Energy for the World. Opportunity for Papua New Guinea.

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Developing and maintaining positive relationships with communities was vital to the success of PNG LNG.

We recognised there was no single method of engagement. This resulted in the adoption of various forms of formal and informal engagement, including road shows, school meetings, community forums and drama performances to share information on construction activities, safety messages, and Project updates.

Our informal engagements occur daily, allowing for two-way communication where Project team members liaise with local communities to provide and clarify information, give guidance on matters such as safety, listen to any queries or issues and receive grievances.

All of our engagements are held in accordance with diverse culturally acceptable protocols that apply to the many tribal clans and we seek inclusiveness across the community representation of views – especially from women, vulnerable individuals and minority groups.



Managing community impacts

Our success in PNG relies on developing and maintaining honest and transparent relationships with communities, minimising community impacts and supporting community developments.



The PNG LNG Project has an overall goal to avoid resettlement where possible.


Respecting human rights

Respect for human rights is a core principal for ExxonMobil PNG.
