Energy for the World. Opportunity for Papua New Guinea.

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Economic benefits

As the largest ever private sector investment in PNG, the PNG LNG Project is responsible for some of the most significant and widespread economic development of recent years.

Key benefits to PNG from the Project include:

  • Boosts government revenues and export earnings via tax revenues and Kumul Petroleum dividends 
  • Generates royalty payments to landowners
  • Provides revenues to provinces containing Project licenses through a development levy
  • Creating employment opportunities during both construction and production
  • Provides a catalyst for further gas-based industry development in the country
  • Supports capacity building of government agencies involved in the petroleum sector
  • Supports capacity building and skills development of domestic SMEs and workforce

As the PNG Government applies the earnings from its share of Project revenues to national social and economic programs, the whole country will realise benefits over the Project’s lifespan.