Conditioned gas is transported from the Hides Gas Conditioning Plant (HGCP) in the Highlands to the LNG Plant just outside of Port Moresby via a state-of-the-art 700-kilometre-long pipeline.
The pipeline includes an onshore and an offshore portion. The onshore section of pipe has a diameter between 32 and 34 inches and is buried one metre below ground. It travels a distance of 290 kilometres from the HGCP all the way down to the Omati River.
Pre-construction surveys were carried out and the route was selected on the basis of environmental and cultural criteria. This section was extremely challenging to construct and took over 30 million work-hours to construct and install.
The offshore section of pipe joins the onshore section at the Omati River and extends a further 407 kilometres to the LNG Plant. The offshore segment travels approximately 24 kilometres past Goaribari Island to the open sea, then across the Gulf of Papua to the Caution Bay landfall at the LNG Plant.
This section of the pipeline route was engineered specifically to avoid marine fauna, coral reefs and existing oil export facilities, and to provide an optimal route for pipeline constructability and safe operations for the life of the pipeline.
It is made of carbon steel with an inside diameter of 36 inches, is weight coated with concrete and is comprised of more than 34,000 joints of pipe.