Energy for the World. Opportunity for Papua New Guinea.

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Environmental Impact Statement

The PNG LNG Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is a comprehensive environmental management strategy that was completed prior to construction, and submitted to the then PNG Department of Environment and Conservation in January 2009.  

The EIS assesses the feasibility of the Project within its environment and social settings. It further identifies potential environmental and social impacts and proposes practicable ways to manage the impacts. 

The EIS is broken down into four major project components. Select the links to view each section. For help navigating the EIS download the guide to EIS or table of contents.

Executive Summary (English)
Executive Summary (Tok Pisin)

Part I - The Project

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Producing the Gas
Chapter 3: Transporting the Gas
Chapter 4: Producing and Exporting the LNG
Chapter 5: Project Logistics
Chapter 6: Pipeline and Facilities Location Context
Chapter 7: Project Substantiation (Alternatives Analysis)
Chapter 8: Legal, Administrative and Planning Framework
Chapter 9: Stakeholder Engagement

Part II - Existing Environment

Chapter 10 Receiving Onshore Environment: Upstream Facilities and Onshore Pipeline
Chapter 11: Receiving Marine Environment: Offshore Pipeline
Chapter 12: Receiving Onshore Environment: LNG Facilities
Chapter 13: Receiving Marine Environment: Marine Facilities
Chapter 14: Cultural Heritage Environment: Upstream Facilities and Pipelines
Chapter 15: Socio-economic Environment: Upstream Facilities and Pipelines
Chapter 16: Cultural Heritage Environment: LNG and Marine Facilities
Chapter 17: Socio-economic Environment: LNG Facilities

Part III - Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management

Chapter 18: Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures: Upstream Facilities and Onshore Pipelines
Chapter 19: Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures: Offshore Pipeline
Chapter 20: Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures: LNG Facilities
Chapter 21: Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures: Marine Facilities
Chapter 22: Project-wide Cultural Heritage Impacts and Mitigation Measures
Chapter 23: Project-wide Socio-economic Impacts and Mitigation Measures
Chapter 24: Cumulative and Associated Impacts
Chapter 25: Waste Management
Chapter 26: Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change
Chapter 27: Environmental Hazard Assessment
Chapter 28: Environmental Impact
Chapter 29: Summary of Mitigation and Management Commitments
Chapter 30: Environmental Management, Monitoring and Reporting

Part IV - References

Chapter 31: Glossary
Chapter 32: Bibliography
Chapter 33: Study Team
Attachment 1: Properties and Hazards of LNG
Attachment 2: Cross-reference of DEC Guidelines and Requirements to EIS Sections
Attachment 3: Technical Codes and Standards for the PNG LNG Project
Attachment 4: Legislation Potentially Applicable to the PNG LNG Project by Topic
Attachment 5: Hazard Identification Summary Tables
Attachment 6: ExxonMobil Operations Integrity Management System

Supporting Studies

Upstream and Offshore Pipeline

Appendix 1: Terrestrial Biodiversity Analysis of the Upstream Project Area
Appendix 2:  Aquatic Fauna Impact Assessment
Appendix 3:  Resource Use Survey of the Omati-Kikori Delta
Appendix 4:  Hydrology and Sediment Transport
Appendix 5:  Water and Sediment Quality Baseline
Appendix 6:  Groundwater Impact Assessment – Upstream Facilities
Appendix 7:  Forestry Impact Assessment
Appendix 8:  Soil Impact Assessment and Rehabilitation Study: Juha to Hides
Appendix 9:  Air Quality Assessment
Appendix 10:  Environmental Noise Impact Assessment
Appendix 11:  Offshore Impact Assessment

LNG and Marine Facilities

Appendix 12: Assessment and Impact Analysis of Terrestrial Biodiversity at the LNG Facilities Site
Appendix 13:  Aquatic Fauna Impact Assessment
Appendix 14:  Hydrology and Sediment Transport
Appendix 15:  Water and Sediment Quality Baseline
Appendix 16:  Groundwater Impact Assessment – Downstream Facilities
Appendix 17:  Soil Impact Assessment and Rehabilitation Study: LNG Facility
Appendix 18:  Air Quality Assessment
Appendix 19:  Environmental Noise Impact Assessment
Appendix 20:  Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Appendix 21:  Road Survey Report
Appendix 22:  Oceanographic Studies and Dredging Program Simulations
Appendix 23:  Nearshore Marine Impact Assessment
Appendix 24:  Resource Use Survey of Caution Bay

Project Wide

Appendix 25: Greenhouse Gas Assessment
Appendix 26: Social Impact Assessment