ExxonMobil PNG Limited (EMPNG), operator of the PNG LNG Project, has joined Bel isi PNG to provide support to victims of family and sexual violence (FSV).
Bel isi PNG provides access to case management, counselling and safe house services and provides business leaders with transformational tools to support change in the workplace and community.
ExxonMobil PNG Managing Director, Andrew Barry, said EMPNG is committed to providing a safe, healthy and supportive workplace.
“We all have a role to play in the effort to eradicate FSV from our society and in ensuring proper help is available for its victims in safe and supporting environments,” said Andrew.
Bel isi PNG provides its members access to the following services:
- Professional case management services in the National Capital District for employees and their immediate family members
- Access for female employees and their immediate family members to a secure safe house in Port Moresby when required
- Company leaders to participate in leadership forum that includes annual event
- Regular newsletters, education and communication materials on the availability of services to staff
- Induction sessions for senior leaders and all staff on all community services available to address Family Sexual Violence
Bel Isi PNG is an innovative new approach to addressing the rising impact and cost of family and sexual violence in Port Moresby, by bringing together the private sector, community-based organisations, the National Capital District Commission and the governments of Australia and PNG.
ExxonMobil PNG also supports the Coalition for Change which advocates against family and gender based violence as well as Business Coalition for Women who work closely with the companies subscribed to Bel isi PNG to implement FSV policies, procedures and training to key staff on how to recognise FSV in the workplace.