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Media Releases, 16 May 2016

ExxonMobil PNG invests in upskilling PNG women

A five-week training program for women held in Jakarta, Indonesia has seen nine Papua New Guinean women graduate with new skills ready to drive economic and social change in their communities.

The Global Women in Management (GWIM) program is supported by operator of the PNG LNG Project, ExxonMobil PNG Limited under parent company ExxonMobil's Women's Economic Opportunity Initiative.

At the welcome back reception, ExxonMobil PNG Limited's Public and Government Affairs Manager, Daniel Worrall, congratulated the women on successfully completing the training program. Mr Worrall thanked the participants for their attendance at the program, and their commitment to use the new skills they have learned for the benefit of PNG.

"Our support goes beyond just benefiting an individual, it adds value to the organisations these women lead and work with," said Mr Worrall.

"It is welcoming to see a consistent commitment by ExxonMobil PNG to invest in this program that creates a unique and rewarding learning opportunity for us," said Elizabeth Omeri.

"The Global Women in Management training in Indonesia was an eye-opener for me. It helped me re-think my aspirations and made me more determined to grow my work and carry out initiatives back in my respective community," said Miriam Gai.

The newly elected President of the Advancing PNG: Women Leadership Network, Mary Micheal, welcomed the nine women and acknowledged ExxonMobil PNG's continued support. Ms Michael said ExxonMobil PNG's support for the past ten years, reflects its commitment to the women of this country.

Since 2006, 53 Papua New Guinean women have benefited from the GWIM training held in Indonesia, Washington D.C. and for the first time in PNG in 2014. This year attendees will bring the total to 62.