ExxonMobil PNG Managing Director Andrew Barry has thanked and acknowledged the many development partners the company works with to improve access to education and health care, elevate women’s initiatives, enhance livelihoods and protect the country’s extraordinary biodiversity.
More than 100 people from community groups, government agencies, NGOs and aid agencies attended the community partner thank you event on 14 March in Port Moresby. Some showcased and spoke about the work they were doing in partnership with ExxonMobil PNG and PNG LNG.
Mr Barry said ExxonMobil PNG’s community partners were critical to the company’s response to the tragic earthquake in the Highlands last year. "Our ability to respond quickly to the needs of the community is due to the incredible partnerships we have with so many community organisations. Together we were able to pool our talents and resources to make a difference at a time of great need, and together we are continuing to support the communities in their long-term recovery,” said Mr. Barry.
Mr. Barry said the year finished triumphantly with the successful hosting of APEC by Papua New Guinea.
“ExxonMobil PNG was extremely proud to have partnered with PNG on a range of APEC programs including the Women and the Economy Forum, The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise & Innovation Summit, APEC Voices of the Future Program and the CEO Summit. Many of our community partners joined us in those events and together we participated in important discussions that will contribute to the future growth of this country.
“In 2018 we entered into a number of new and exciting partnerships. One such venture led by Innovative Agro Industry, is a partnership between MRDC, and the Hela provincial and local level government leaders to train and equip around 5,000 small-holder farmers to produce stock feed and fresh vegetables and over time, rejuvenate the local coffee industry. We are very excited about the future potential of this project to generate significant economic activity in Hela Province.
“Our approach has always been to build partnerships to identify, define and prioritise potential programs to deliver results that meet stakeholder needs. On behalf of ExxonMobil PNG, I would like thank all our community partners for your support and partnership throughout 2018,” said Mr. Barry.
Mr. Barry concluded, “2019 will be a busy year, let’s continue to work together to deliver programs that are efficient, drive positive development and will benefit the livelihood of Papua New Guineans for the long term.”