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Media Releases, 02 October 2019

Managing Workplace Health Risks a Priority

Managing Workplace Health Risks a Priority
ExxonMobil PNG representatives with participants of the 4th National Environmental Health & Safety Symposium in Madang last week.

Committed to ensuring the workplace is safe for its workforce, ExxonMobil PNG, operator of PNG LNG Project continuously looks to improving its occupational health programs.

ExxonMobil PNG was among several companies that participated in the 4th National Environmental Health and Safety Symposium held in Madang on Friday (27th September) with the theme Collaborative Partnership in Promoting Environmental Health and Workplace Health and Safety in Papua New Guinea.

ExxonMobil PNG’s Medical Advisor Dr. Cain Kapiri attached with the Medicine and Occupational Health Department, said the one-day symposium was an eye-opener.

“We were impressed to see the final year students taking the initiative to organize the conference and also present papers on some of the work they have done with regards to improving safety at the work place.”

To safeguard its workforce from any workplace injuries or illnesses, ExxonMobil PNG continuously develops and implements programs to manage workplace risks with the slogan “Nobody Gets Hurt”. 

“We have implemented several programs across all our sites to manage risks identified during Health Risk Assessments.”

Dr. Kapiri said that the programs are measured by key performance indicators (KPIs) which are reviewed regularly to ensure that they are robust and producing desired results.

ExxonMobil PNG was the major sponsor of the symposium, with funding of K23, 000 towards the one-day event.

Head of Environmental Health Department, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences at Divine Word University Alphonse Zuivani Begani thanked ExxonMobil PNG of the sponsorship support.

As a result of driving occupational health and safety throughout the company, ExxonMobil PNG continues to inform its workforce on safety and recently completed the annual Contractor Safety Workshop which attracted more than 100 participants from 40 companies.

ExxonMobil PNG was also recently awarded the Security, Safety, Health and Environment Performance and Perseverance Award for 2018. This award is presented annually by ExxonMobil Global Upstream to the best performing organisations and affiliates in the world.