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Media Releases, 12 September 2018

PNG LNG Plant achieves over 13 million work hours of zero Loss Time Injury

The world class PNG LNG Plant has recorded a milestone achievement of over 13 million work hours of nil Loss Time Injury.

That is 5 years of operation without any serious injuries that prevents a person from returning to work. This significant accomplishment was achieved across the entire plant site by both staff and business partners on August 15.

PNG LNG Plant Operations Manager Jagir Baxi said the LNG Plant is a world class plant with a world class safety performance to match.

“This is a significant accomplishment and a testimony to our staff and business partners maintaining a robust culture of safety wherever each individual works and whatever task they may do.

“We provide our workforce, including our business partners with the knowledge and tools to execute each work activity safely and we strive to prevent all accidents, injuries, and occupational illnesses through the active participation of every member of the team at the LNG Plant,” Baxi said.

He also emphasised that “achieving long periods of LTI-free operations is an important sign-post for our company to ultimately achieve its goal that Nobody Gets Hurt.”

Maintaining a safe workplace requires an ongoing focus. ExxonMobil PNG will be hosting its 6th annual Safety, Security, Health and Environment Contractor Safety Leadership workshop this week for all businesses that are contracted to ExxonMobil PNG and the PNG LNG plant.

ExxonMobil PNG managing director, Andrew Barry said such an achievement for the PNG LNG Plant would not be possible without the commitment of employees and business contractors who see real value in work place free of injuries.

“We work closely with our business partners to achieve a shared safety culture and for them to ensure that the LNG plant site has been LTI free for 5 years is an amazing achievement. It demonstrates that everyone is aligned and on the same page when we talk safety in ExxonMobil PNG’s operations,” he said.

Barry said our ability to achieve zero LTIs comes from everyone on site having the same expectations.

 “The contractor safety workshop provides an opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements as well as enabling our business partners to build effective relationships, leverage experiences, share lessons learned and look at ways of improving so we maintain our safety achievements.”